openoffice --- document disclosure

NAKATA Maho chat95 at
Tue Sep 14 14:43:03 PDT 2004

In Message-ID: <20040914022410.GA83483 at> 
"Jacques A. Vidrine" <nectar at> wrote:

Hello nectar, and portmgr

portmger: I would like to fix this problem as soon as possible,
I confirmed that this security vulenrablity was fixed with patch.
please approve 
o adding /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.1/files/patch-security-tmp-dir
change Makefile to:
o fcvs diff -u Makefile
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/pcvs/ports/editors/openoffice-1.1/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.164
diff -u -r1.164 Makefile
--- Makefile    31 Aug 2004 12:09:57 -0000      1.164
+++ Makefile    14 Sep 2004 21:42:23 -0000
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
 USE_BISON=     yes
 USE_GMAKE=     yes
+#mozilla 1.0 seems to have security vulnerability
 .if !defined(WITHOUT_JAVA)
 USE_JAVA=      1.4+

> This issue seems reasonably serious to me:
okay. thank you very much for your report.

One point.
Affected packages
0 	<= 	ar-openoffice
0 	<= 	ca-openoffice
0 	<= 	cs-openoffice
0 	<= 	de-openoffice
0 	<= 	dk-openoffice
0 	<= 	el-openoffice
0 	<= 	es-openoffice
0 	<= 	et-openoffice
0 	<= 	fi-openoffice
0 	<= 	fr-openoffice
0 	<= 	gr-openoffice
0 	<= 	hu-openoffice
0 	<= 	it-openoffice
0 	<= 	ja-openoffice
0 	<= 	ko-openoffice
0 	<= 	nl-openoffice
0 	<= 	openoffice
0 	<= 	pl-openoffice
0 	<= 	pt-openoffice
0 	<= 	pt_BR-openoffice
0 	<= 	ru-openoffice
0 	<= 	se-openoffice
0 	<= 	sk-openoffice
0 	<= 	sl-openoffice-SI
0 	<= 	tr-openoffice
0 	<= 	zh-openoffice-CN
0 	<= 	zh-openoffice-TW

openoffice and not openoffice-1.1?
I think they should be *-openoffice-1.1-*.
Currently I don't want to maintain OOo 1.0.3 ports since
they shoule be obsolated, also openoffice-1.0 might not
build for 5.3-RELEASE since there is a change in make(1).

> Is it possible to have the OpenOffice ports patched before 5.3-RELEASE?

I will commit the patch (slightly changed, though) by mmeeks
at the IZ:

This patch was committed and confirmed that this risk is avoided.
1. Launch OpenOffice.
2. List /tmp contents. Locate the directory 'sv*.tmp'
3. Type in some contents in the document and save it.
4. List the contents of the directory /tmp/sv*.tmp/
5. Do not close OpenOffice. 'su' to a different user.
6. Copy the file under /tmp/sv*.tmp/ to home directory.
-> Now Permission denied.

OOo uses mozilla 1.0 runtime, and it also has security vulnerability.
portsaudit tells and some discussios somewhere at opneoffice at
and freebsd-users-jp at (in Japanese).
I'll mark as WITHOUT_MOZILLA for a while so as to avoid this problem also.

Best regards,
--nakata maho

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