26 localized OpenOffice.org 1.1.1 RC3 packages for FreeBSD 5.2.1

Stephen Liu satimis at icare.com.hk
Sun Mar 28 22:29:25 PST 2004

Hi Mr. Nakata Maho,

FreeBSD 5.2
OpenOffice 1.1.0 (English version)

I read your posting with great interest.  Kindly advise what will be the use 
of follows;

Chinese(Simplified) 66192301 670be25db96caeaa8eb38f61f297d29e 
Chinese(traditional)66346780 4902c3c6a0c0d4af2796c0c316076322 

I have been searching for a solution several days to reconfigure my OOo 1.1 to 
read and input Traditional Chinese without result.

Chinese fonts could not be found on the font drop-list of OOo Writer.doc   
Neither can I find 'xcin', the Chinese input package installed.  I have tried 

After installing zh-moetiff
ln -s /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType/xxx.tiff   /usr/local/

but the Chinse fonts only appeared as '????????' on the 'drop-lst' of an OOo 

Any help??????  TIA

Stephen Liu

On Friday 26 March 2004 23:49, Nakata Maho wrote:
> Chinese(Simplified) 66192301 670be25db96caeaa8eb38f61f297d29e
> OOo_1.1.1.RC3_FreeBSD52Intel_install_zh-CN.tbz Chinese(traditional)66346780
> 4902c3c6a0c0d4af2796c0c316076322
> OOo_1.1.1.RC3_FreeBSD52Intel_install_zh-TW.tbz

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