Problem downloading OOo

Zahemszky Gábor Gabor at Zahemszky.HU
Thu Mar 25 12:41:38 PST 2004


I've just tried to compile (from ports) the (new) 
hungarian/openoffice-1.1. But it failed in the downloading phase, 
because it would like to download the 1.1.1rc, but there are rc2 and the 
last rc3 - and the source is only in the rc3 directory. So how? Are 
there any not too private copies of the openoffice-1.1.1rc.tar.bz2, 
referenced by the port?

Zahy < Gabor at Zahemszky dot HU >

';set $Z ;for i { [[ $i = ? ]]&&print $i&&break;[[ $i = ??? 
]]&&j=$i&&i=${i%?};typeset -i40 i=8#$i;print -n ${i#???};[[ "$j" = ??? 
]]&&print -n "${j#??} "&&j=;typeset +i i;};IFS=' 0123456789 ';set $Z;for 
i { [[ $i = , ]]&&i=2;[[ $i = ?? ]]||typeset -l i;j="$j $i";typeset +l 
i;};print "$j"

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