Carlos F. A. Paniago pan at panix.ecof.org.br
Tue Jan 13 05:09:24 PST 2004

Hi: The last week gcc33 in ports is not capable to compile 
openoffice-1.1. The last one was. I tried to compile the openoffice-1.1 
in ports in a FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE and this is the result:
GCC33 - Fails in an enumeration
GCC34 - Fails in the mozilla stuff
GCC32 - Compiles and the result is working ok.
    Temporary to change in the Makefile the gcc33 to gcc32 as in:
.if ${OSVERSION} < 500000
# OOo requires gcc 3.2 (not systems's gcc)
BUILD_DEPENDS+= gcc32:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc32
USE_GCC=3.2 # make no sense yet
CC=  gcc32
CXX= g++32
The other sugestion is to submit the gcc33 error to the gcc group.


Nome:  Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago
Email: pan at panix.ecof.org.br		e	pan at cnpm.embrapa.br
Web:   http://www.panix.ecof.org.br/	e	http://www.cnpm.embrapa.br/ 

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