openoffice-1.1 won't compile on 5.2-CURRENT?

Oliver Lehmann oliver at
Wed Aug 18 13:02:00 PDT 2004


I'm going to reinstall my workstation after 5.3 is out, and now I'm
working on the install scenario to see if all ports I need are going to
work with 5 as I expect. For now, I'm stuck by compiling de-openoffice-1.1

Any ideas what went wrong, and how to get it to compile? -DWITHOUT_MOZILLA
doesn't help because it will stuck later with dmake expecting some files which aren't there. (Please keep me CCed - I'm not

root at curry openoffice-1.1> make
Configure completed
You may now run
src/bootstrap in
===>  Building for de-openoffice-1.1.2
make: don't know how to make mozilla. Stop
*** Error code 2

Stop in /mnt/files/freebsd-cvs/ports/german/openoffice-1.1.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /mnt/files/freebsd-cvs/ports/german/openoffice-1.1.
root at curry openoffice-1.1>

root at curry openoffice-1.1> ls /var/db/pkg/
./                            open-motif-2.2.3/
../                           p5-XML-Parser-2.34_1/
ORBit-0.5.17_2/               p5-gettext-1.01_4/
ORBit2-2.10.3/                pango-1.4.1/
agrep-2.04_1/                 perl-5.8.5/
apache-ant-1.6.2/             pkgconfig-0.15.0_1/
atk-1.6.1/                    pkgdb.db
autoconf-2.13.000227_5/       png-1.2.5_8/
autoconf-2.59_2/              popt-1.7/
automake-1.4.6_1/             portupgrade-20040701_3/
bison-1.75_2/                 rpm-3.0.6_9/
bitstream-vera-1.10/          ruby-1.8.2.p2_1/
coreutils-5.2.1/              ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2/
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h/      shared-mime-info-0.14_4/
dbh-1.0.18/                   startup-notification-0.7/
de-dict-1.2/                  tiff-3.6.1_1/
dri-5.0.2,1/                  unzip-5.51/
expat-1.95.8/                 urwfonts-1.0/
fontconfig-2.2.3,1/           xfce-4.0.6/
freetype2-2.1.7_3/            xfce4-desktop-4.0.6/
gcc-3.2.3_1/                  xfce4-fm-4.0.6/
gettext-0.13.1_1/             xfce4-fm-icons-4.0.6/
glib-1.2.10_11/               xfce4-iconbox-4.0.6/
glib-2.4.6/                   xfce4-mcs-manager-4.0.6/
gmake-3.80_2/                 xfce4-mcs-plugins-4.0.6/
gnomehier-1.0_19/             xfce4-mixer-4.0.6/
gtk-1.2.10_12/                xfce4-panel-4.0.6/
gtk-2.4.7/                    xfce4-panel-themes-4.0.6/
gtk-xfce-engine-2.1.10/       xfce4-print-4.0.6/
help2man-1.33.1/              xfce4-systray-4.0.6/
hicolor-icon-theme-0.5/       xfce4-toys-4.0.6/
imake-6.7.0_2/                xfce4-utils-4.0.6/
intltool-0.31.1/              xfce4-wm-4.0.6/
javavmwrapper-1.5/            xfce4-wm-themes-4.0.6/
jdk-1.4.2p6_4/                xorg-6.7.0_1/
jpeg-6b_3/                    xorg-clients-6.7.0_3/
lcms-1.13,1/                  xorg-documents-6.7.0/
libIDL-0.8.3_2/               xorg-fonts-100dpi-6.7.0/
libXft-2.1.6/                 xorg-fonts-75dpi-6.7.0/
libiconv-1.9.2_1/             xorg-fonts-cyrillic-6.7.0/
libmng-1.0.7/                 xorg-fonts-encodings-6.7.0/
libtool-1.3.5_2/              xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-6.7.0/
libtool-1.5.6_1/              xorg-fonts-truetype-6.7.0/
libunicode-0.4_4/             xorg-fonts-type1-6.7.0/
libxfce4gui-4.0.6/            xorg-fontserver-6.7.0/
libxfce4mcs-4.0.6/            xorg-libraries-6.7.0_1/
libxfce4util-4.0.6/           xorg-nestserver-6.7.0/
libxml2-2.6.11_1/             xorg-printserver-6.7.0/
libzvbi-0.2.8/                xorg-server-6.7.0_5/
linux-sun-jdk-       xorg-vfbserver-6.7.0/
linux_base-7.1_7/             xterm-196/
m4-1.4.1/                     zip-2.3_1/
root at curry openoffice-1.1>

root at curry openoffice-1.1> uname -a
FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #0: Sun
Aug  8 16:55:09 CEST 2004    
olivleh1 at  i386

 Oliver Lehmann

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