Installing 1.1.2

Thomas Moyer tommoyer at
Fri Aug 13 10:48:53 PDT 2004

I just installed FreeBSD 5.2.1 and downloaded 
OOo_1.1.2_FreeBSD52Intel_install.tbz and tried pkg_add and it complains 
about missing packages...I check and they all exist but only in lower 
version numbers.  Here is the output:
snappy# pkg_add OOo_1.1.2_FreeBSD52Intel_install.tbz
pkg_add: could not find package libXft-2.1.6 !
pkg_add: could not find package hicolor-icon-theme-0.4 !
pkg_add: could not find package shared-mime-info-0.14_1 !
pkg_add: could not find package atk-1.6.0 !
libXft is installed but is 2.1.2 not 2.1.6
shared-mime-info is 0.12 not 0.14_1
atk is 1.4.1 not 1.6.0
I can't even find hicolor-icon-theme-0.4
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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