ru-openoffice1-1: installation of OOo 1.1.1 hangs

Rashid N. Achilov shelton at
Wed Apr 14 20:19:30 PDT 2004

I have successfully built OOo 1.1.1p1 on 4.9-STABLE with GCC 3.2.3. It's cool. 
But - installation hangs when 'register components.............' issuing. I 
see four lines of dots and at some position installation hangs, top shows 
setup.bin with 98% load. Any time installation hangs one place. What can I do 
here? Is there any debugging options to see, where install hangs or logs to 
register installation actions?

Also, how can I switch off building mozilla connectivity in OOo? I do not need 
it completely.
   With Best Regards.
   Rashid N. Achilov (RNA1-RIPE), Web:
   Granch Ltd. system administrator, e-mail: achilov [at] granch [dot] ru
   PGP: 83 CD E2 A7 37 4A D5 81 D6 D6 52 BF C9 2F 85 AF 97 BE CB 0A

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