openoffice-devel obstacles
Lars Bungum
lars at
Sat Sep 20 18:47:17 PDT 2003
the openoffice-devel port compiled for me, and I am very happy about
that. (Couldn't get any precompiled packages to work). But there were
some erros I thought I'd might as well inform about in case I'm not the
only one having them. My system is 4.8-RELEASE, recently cvsup to date
"make" ended thisly:
time needed: 0:1:57
WARNING! Project(s):
not found and couldn't be built. Correct build.lsts.
"make install" ended like this
Initializing installation program....................
===> Add wrapper scripts
sed: lstat: No such file or directory
which turned out to be:
usr/bin/sed -i orig -e 's#%%PREFIX%%#/usr/local#g' -e
's#%%LANG%%#en_US.ISO8859-15#g' -e 's#%%BUILD_NR%%#645#g' -e
's#%%RELEASE_NR%%#1.1#g' -e 's#%%FRELEASE_NR%%#1.1.0#g'
failing. This went away when I gave:
ln -s /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-devel/work/openoffice-wrapper
and installed the port. However, it didn't start upon the error:
Can't open /usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.1.0/program/ No
such file or directory
which went away when I did:
cp /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-devel/work/
thanks for all the work!
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