What is the status of 1.1RC?

Carlos F. A. Paniago pan at panix.ecof.org.br
Sun Jul 20 18:48:52 PDT 2003

Hello... I'm back again to help porting the OO to freebsd 4.8 and 5.1, I
have new machines (very fast dual machines with lot of disk space).
I need to know: what is the status of OO in freebsd? Do we have an unofficial
ports in somewere? Where? What about 1.1RC?

thanks in advance...


Nome:  Carlos Fernando Assis Paniago
Email: pan at panix.ecof.org.br		e	pan at cnpm.embrapa.br
Web:   http://www.panix.ecof.org.br/	e	http://www.cnpm.embrapa.br/ 

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