Port status, mailing lists?

Don Lewis truckman at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 18 11:31:27 PDT 2003

On 18 Aug, Eirik Oeverby wrote:
> Hi!
> For some time now I have attempted to build OO on my 5-CURRENT machine,
> with no luck. The most persistent problem has been with the stlport
> part, which refuses to compile regardless of the compiler version I
> use/specify.

You may be in luck.  I decided to rebuild openoffice on my machine
running a recent version of current and I've been fixing the bugs that
I've been finding.  I just got the stlport stuff to build last night,
but now the build dies shortly thereafter.  I just fixed that bug and
kicked off another build.  Keep your fingers crossed ;-)

I post the patches when I get a successful build.

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