ports/55563: openoffice doesnot build on both stable and
current release
Xiaowei Yang
yxw at bianca.lcs.mit.edu
Mon Aug 18 07:06:48 PDT 2003
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:34:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ceri Davies <ceri at FreeBSD.org>
Synopsis: openoffice doesnot build on both stable and current release
State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: ceri
State-Changed-When: Fri Aug 15 09:32:28 PDT 2003
Could you please submit a followup to this PR with some indication of
the actual build error, and at which point it fails?
Responsible-Changed-From-To: gnats-admin->openoffice
Responsible-Changed-By: ceri
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Aug 15 09:32:28 PDT 2003
Assign to maintainers.
Yes. Attached is the output of make in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.
OO requires that the ENV variable LANG
is set to a proper value. Dependent on
which language port you use, OO does
automatically set LANG to a suitable
value. You can change this with:
USE_LANG="preferred language"
and set a different language
en_US.ISO8859-15 en_US.ISO8859-1
Your current setting is:
You can compile OO with different
gcc compiler versions:
Add USE_GCC=2.95 or USE_GCC=3.1
to compile openoffice with your
preferred compiler.
If you like to use the native BSD
JDK for the build system, you can use
WITH_BSD_JDK=TRUE to disable the
usage of the linux-JDK and linux dependency.
You can compile OO with debug symbols
if you call make with WITH_DEBUG=1
If you set WITH_DEBUG=2, you add internal
OO.org debug support.
if you like to use the Freetype library to
render TTF fonts. Normally the TTF lib is
not used to render fonts.
If you have licensed the Apple patents
US05155805 US05159668 and US05325479
you can enable this option to get better
quality of glyphs at small bitmap sizes.
If you want to make compressed gif images
If must have license from the Unisys and IBM patents
to enable this option to get compressed GIF images.
To build Openoffice, you should have a lot
of free diskspace (~ 4GB).
===> Extracting for openoffice-1.0.3_2
>> Checksum OK for openoffice/OOo_1.0.3_source.tar.bz2.
>> Checksum OK for openoffice/gpc231.tar.Z.
>> Checksum OK for openoffice/patch-openoffice-mozilla101-2002-10-14.
>> Checksum OK for openoffice/mozilla-vendor-1.0.2.tgz.
===> Extracting mozilla sub project
===> Extracting for mozilla-1.0.2_1
>> Checksum OK for mozilla-source-1.0.2.tar.bz2.
>> Checksum OK for libart_lgpl-1.0.2.tar.bz2.
===> Patching for openoffice-1.0.3_2
===> Applying FreeBSD patches for openoffice-1.0.3_2
===> Patching for mozilla-1.0.2_1
===> Applying FreeBSD patches for mozilla-1.0.2_1
===> Removing GIF LZW compression for openoffice-1.0.3_2
1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to ../goodies/source/filter.vcl/egif/giflzwc.cxx.rej
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.
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