KDE menu items for 644_1 -> wrapper scripts not working

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at chillt.de
Tue Apr 29 07:50:34 PDT 2003

With the newest 644_1 port, when I click on any one of the 
OpenOffice.org programs in the KDE start menu, I still get the infamous 
splashscreen not found message. I'm sorry if I'm re-reporting an old 
bug, but I was under the impression that the recent changes to the 
Makefile supposedly fixed this by making KDE use the proper wrappers. I 
deleted my workstation installation and the port and reinstalled. The 
newly created menu entries point to e.g.:


I'd expect this to be the wrapper script. Its contents is:


cmd=`dirname "$0"`/soffice
exec "$cmd" -math "$@"

Clearly, there is no "cd to program directory" here and this is why the 
splashscreen problem appears. Everythign works fine if I modify the 
wrapper as such:


cd `dirname "$0"`
exec ./soffice -math "$@"

- Bartosz

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