[Bug 248161] editors/openoffice-devel: Crash (SIGABRT) on startup due to AmstelvarAlpha-VF font (x11-fonts/google-fonts)

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Wed Jul 22 03:33:08 UTC 2020


Kubilay Kocak <koobs at FreeBSD.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
              Flags|                            |maintainer-feedback?(dmgk at f
                   |                            |reebsd.org),
                   |                            |merge-quarterly?
             Status|New                         |Open
            Summary|editors/openoffice-devel:   |editors/openoffice-devel:
                   |SIGABRT on startup due to   |Crash (SIGABRT) on startup
                   |AmstelvarAlpha-VF font      |due to AmstelvarAlpha-VF
                   |                            |font
                   |                            |(x11-fonts/google-fonts)
                 CC|                            |dmgk at freebsd.org
           Keywords|                            |crash, needs-patch,
                   |                            |needs-qa

--- Comment #1 from Kubilay Kocak <koobs at FreeBSD.org> ---
^Triage: Request feedback from x11-fonts/google-fonts maintainer

If the google-fonts dependency is enabled by default, please change Severity to
"Affects many people". If it is otherwise conditional, not by default, or
depends on another variable/conditional, set to 'Affects Some People'

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