LibreOffice not working in 11.0 Current

Jason Taylor jason at
Thu Jul 16 23:32:29 UTC 2015

I'm actually using PC-BSD, so the issues may be specific to that 
variant.  I have an open bug,, where it was 
suggested that I contact you directly.

I have very little information as even running from a terminal produces 
no useful output.  A splash screen starts, the progress bar gets about 
1/4 of the way complete, and then nothing.  Deinstalling and 
reinstalling results in the exact same experience when attempting to 
start LibreOffice.  I believe when I initially installed via the PC-BSD 
AppCafe, that I actually was able to open and view a .odt document, but 
my memory could be faulty.  If that's the case, I don't know what I did 
since the initial install that could have possibly broken it.

I've gone so far as installing via ports and I get the exact same 
results save for not getting a bunch of messages about not being able to 
locate image file like: /usr/home/jason/.config/qtcurve/gtk-icons:278: 
Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: 
"16x16/devices/media-floppy.png".  I tried rebuilding with debugging 
support, but the port is marked as broken with that option.

OpenOffice works, thus far, with no issues.


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