Libre Calc problem

Andrew andrew at
Wed Apr 8 06:10:50 UTC 2015

Dear Sir or Ma'am,

I am using Libre Calc on PCBSD and am experiencing some display issues.  
Basically the text of the "right click menus" cannot be seen!  Also, at 
times, the menu bar text cannot be seen.  The version of PCBSD I have is 
10.1.1-RELEASE.  It also says 10.1-RELEASE-p17.  The version of Libre 
Office I have is 4.3.5 2, not in a jail.

For the Appearance settings I have Clearlooks but I can change it to any 
in the list of Appearances from PC-BSD Control Panel -> Appearance and 
the problem returns.  I am also using xfce 4.10_9.  I am using Oxygen 
icons but the issue happens with any of the icon "sets".

I am attempting to get a screen shot for you however the problem goes 
away when I take the screen shot.  I suspect my system is not configured 
properly but I do not know what which setting to change to fix the issue.

Please advise.


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