Libreoffice crash on font selection

icke at icke at
Wed Oct 5 07:24:14 UTC 2011

 Hey there!

 Libreoffice crashes if I scroll down in the font selection drop down 
 I have tried to debug but GDB and Libreoffice crash if I try to attach 
 GDB to the soffice.bin process.
 In the bsdforen i asked for a solution but it turned out that it isn't 
 only my box that is affected.
 I build Libreoffice withe make options GTK, JAVA, GNOME, PYUNO, DEBUG, 
 but i added JAVA, GNOME and DEBUG after i got this problem.
 My Libreoffice version is 3.4.3_1.

 Because I'm not able to debug i only can give you the shell messages.
 <Shell output>
 javaPathHelper: not found
 App path: /usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program
 bootstap: file:///usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/bootstraprc
 user installation: file:///usr/home/joseph/.libreoffice/3
 Generate pipe md5 for 'file:///usr/home/joseph/.libreoffice/3'
 Failed to connect to pipe: 
 Warning: failed to read path from javaldx

     $XENVIRONMENT         ""
     $DISPLAY              ":0.0"
     $SAL_VISUAL           ""
     $SAL_FONTPATH         ""
     $SAL_NOSEGV           ""
     $SAL_PROPERTIES       ""
     $SAL_WM               ""
     $SAL_SYNCHRONIZE      ""
     Host                  "eddy.local"
     Host                  ":0.0"
     Vendor (Release)      "The X.Org Foundation (10707000)"
     Protocol              11.0
     Screen (count,def)    0 (1,0)
     shift ctrl alt        Shift_L (0xFFE1) Control_L (0xFFE3) Alt_L 
     XMaxRequestSize       262140 16777212 [bytes]
     Properties            0x1000FCB
     Windowmanager         0
     WMName                compiz
     Resolution/Size       99*99 1680*1050 20,1"
     Black&White           0 16777215
     RGB                   0xff0000 0xff00 0xff
     Visual                24-bit TrueColor ID=0x21
 create md5 frim 'file:///usr/home/joseph/.libreoffice/3'
 Got status: 10%

 Polling, result is continue
 Got status: 20%

 Polling, result is continue
 Got status: 40%

 Polling, result is continue
 Got status: 50%

 Polling, result is continue
 Got status: 55%

 Polling, result is continue
 CAIRO version=11002
 Got status: 100%

 Polling, result is continue
 Got status: end

 Polling, result is exit
 Warning: no DefaultResolution in PPD
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "Thorndale AMT" bipw=5020 -> "Liberation 
 Serif" bipw=5025
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "Albany AMT" bipw=5020 -> "Liberation Sans" 
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "方正宋体" bipw=5020 -> "AR PL KaitiM GB" 
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "微软雅黑" bipw=5020 -> "AR PL KaitiM GB" 
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "Lohit Hindi" bipw=5020 -> "Bitstream Vera 
 Sans" bipw=5025
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "Andale Sans UI" bipw=5020 -> "Bitstream Vera 
 Sans" bipw=5025
 FcPreMatchSubstititution "Tahoma" bipw=5020 -> "DejaVu Sans Condensed" 
 Error: XHierarchicalNameAccess: 
 From File 
 at Line 584
 Error: XHierarchicalNameAccess: Display/GraphicObject
 /org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Layout/Display/GraphicObject From File 
 at Line 584
 FcGFSubstititution "Bitstream Vera Sans" bipw=5020 ->"AR PL KaitiM GB" 
 FcGFSubstititution "AR PL KaitiM GB" bipw=5020 ->"AR PL KaitiM Big5" 
 Error: Exception from PutProperties: Other/IsSquaredPageModeOther From 
 at Line 72
 Error: Exception from PutProperties: Display From File 
 at Line 72
 Exited with code '79'
 oosplash: re-start with just -env: params !
 [1]    78085 segmentation fault (core dumped)  /usr/local/bin/soffice

 </shell output>

 Have I missed something or is it an issue?

 Regards joseph

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