Any thoughts on Graphical install UI? Lists lists at
Thu Mar 10 02:07:52 GMT 2005

Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> That makes a lot of sense actually.  However, many of the installers 
> have ncurses type of installs in addition to the nice smooth graphical 
> install, and on top of that they even have a manual non-ncurses command 
> line only install. :-)  We can default it to text, but have an option to 
> go graphical.
> It would be nice to attract more people to the platform and avoid being 
> a niche within a niche.

Of all Unix-like OSes available, FreeBSD doesn't have to worry about 
attracting users. People use freebsd because it rocks, and it does what 
it does good, and you really can't ask for more than that.

OK, you can, but you're getting petty. Step back for a moment and ask if 
the current installer is crippling because it's not smooth and graphical 
-- honestly, it's brainboggling how easy your installations are when you 
take out the need for a mouse and buttons and sectioned-off screens.

I've used several of the pretty Linux distros. I've never considered any 
of the ease-of-use shortcut tools from vendors like red hat useful, nor 
has a graphical installer turned me on in the least.

I have been a long time user of OpenBSD. Their camp is raw, sometimes 
unfriendly, but always strong and simple. Maybe it doesn't attempt to 
attract the newbies, but my personal belief is that making your OS too 
newbie-friendly takes away from the simple pureness that is one of 
*BSD's greatest strengths and drags it down. If I wanted a shiny happy 
OS, I'd stick to Windows. It's not like there aren't options out there 
that are newbie friendly; even a literate, attentive, and curious *nix 
newbie can pick up FreeBSD without much effort, even without the other 

In all honesty, I use both FreeBSD and OpenBSD because they are 
straighforward, no-nonsense, and raw. This doesn't mean they are hard.

I realize my response probably seems a little inflamatory and I 
apologize for this, it's not the intention. (You did ask for "any 
thoughts".) But I don't like the idea of an OS that tries to be all 
things for all people.


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