Leaving FreeBSD for Linux - Please Don't Hurt Me

Beastie beastie at homedc.com.au
Sun Jan 30 20:22:35 PST 2005

Greetings !!!

Whilst I may not have been much of a user of these mailing lists, I have 
been quite happy with the standards and quality of the information provided. 
Indeed, if I can find a life equivalent for "RTFM", I would use everyday.

Alas, as the title says, I am leaving FreeBSD for the wonders of Linux.  The 
reasoning behind this is one of convenience; months ago, I was alone here in 
my hometown, playing and tinkering with FreeBSD.  Then the store I am 
employed at moved me up the ladder to Leading Salesman (or something like 
that, effectively, I knew all the front part of the store - where things 
are, how much to sell them - so I can train the freshmeat that walks in). 
Suddenly, the server started playing up and it is on Linux (RedHat 7, I 
believe).  Well, despite being a computer store and despite having three 
full-time technicians and one full-time system builder, I was the _ONLY_ one 
with *nix skills - of any kind.  Me, the salesman.

In the end, we upgraded the system completely, to Debian (and no, I wasn't 
involved) and now, to cut down costs, the boss has politely asked me to 
learn more about Linux in general, so that I can help out in any future 
problems.  So, I overwrote my FreeBSD HDD (*sigh*) and installed Fedora Core 
3 - a nice and easy one to get my feet wet.  Actually, compared to FreeBSD, 
this Linux is a bit of a walk in the park.

So, I shall be leaving these hallowed halls - whilst I do have two HDDs, one 
must be kept for Windows (so that I can answer customers questions) - I 
shall try to return one day when I have more time and less pressure from 

Gentlemen and ladies (I assume there are some here ;-) ), it has been a 
pleasure and I shall return - I hope - in the near future. ... Unless a Grue 
or penguin eats me ...


(One of possibly only two *BSD users in the entire Central Queensland region 
of Australia)

"Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, be evil." 

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