How to get more HDD space?

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Fri Jan 28 20:59:44 PST 2005

Kevin Kinsey wrote:

> Lutín wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>>> When a filesystem is created, 8% of the space is reserved.
>> ¿Why?
> Check the manpage for tunefs(8), under the "-m" option,
> for an explanation.
 From man 7 tuning:

     "tunefs(8) may be used to further tune a file system.  This command 
can be
run in single-user mode without having to reformat the file system.  How-
ever, this is possibly the most abused program in the system.  Many peo-
ple attempt to increase available file system space by setting the min-
free percentage to 0.  This can lead to severe file system fragmentation
and we do not recommend that you do this."

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