Where can I find more information

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Fri Jan 28 16:44:28 PST 2005

crzdgns1 at starpower.net wrote:

>My name is Mark.  I recently banished windows and 
>windows-based programs from my (ancient) computer because it 
>is too slow to handle windows XP and all of the attendant 
>programs required to keep it virus and ad-free.  I have 
>installed FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE on my computer (Intel Pentium 
>II Celeron, 330 MHz, ~500 Mb Ram, Western Digital Hard Disk 
>(40 Gb, Master), Western Digital Hard Disk (6 Gb, Slave), 
>floppy disk (1.44 Mb), IOMega ZIP-Drive (100Mb, IDE), Hitachi 
>CD/DVD-ROM, Memorex CD-RW, Diamond Multimedia Viper v550 
>video card, and a few other ancient goodies).  I am having 
>great difficulty mounting and unmounting floppies, zips, and 
>CDs from my system.  I have done my best to follow the 
>recommendations in The Handbook, The FreeBSD FAQ, and the 
>documentation that came bundled with FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE, all 
>to no avail.  I have also searched the archives that I could 
>find using the queries "mount" and "unmount", but didn't find 
>anything that seemed to fit.  I have no trouble mounting and 
>unmounting CDs if I use the device manager in KDE, but have 
>had no luck trying to do the same from the command line.  Can 
>someone out there recommend additional, better, or 
>easier-to-understand sources of information for someone who 
>is essentially a complete beginner in UNIX and FreeBSD?  
>Alternatively, if I were to post a technical question to a 
>mailing list, which mailing list would be appropriate? 

Hi, Mark!  Welcome to FreeBSD!

If you wish to post a technical question to a mailing
list, the most appropriate one is quesions at freebsd.org.

I'll show you something I use(d) for floppies:

#alias | grep a:
a:      sudo mount_msdosfs /dev/fd0 /floppy && cd /floppy && ls -l

A couple of assumptions:  *I* have sudo installed
(/usr/ports/security/sudo) and have a directory
under / called floppy (which I think everyone has
by default?)

Anyway, typing "a:" into my shell mounts the floppy,
moves me to that directory and lists everything on
it in long form ... kinda cool.

You've gotten the correct answer already ... according
to the handbook (www.freebsd.org/handbook) you do
need to set a sysctl value and chown the mount point.

What you see above was my solution before I read that
page ;-)  It does kind of show you how "there are many
ways to skin a cat" ... which is a nice thing about UNIXes
in general ... the philosophy is "tools, not policy".

Kevin Kinsey

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