Where can I find more information
Roland Smith
rsmith at xs4all.nl
Fri Jan 28 04:19:52 PST 2005
On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 12:01:47AM -0500, crzdgns1 at starpower.net wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Mark. I recently banished windows and
> windows-based programs from my (ancient) computer because it
> is too slow to handle windows XP and all of the attendant
> programs required to keep it virus and ad-free. I have
> installed FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE on my computer (Intel Pentium
> II Celeron, 330 MHz, ~500 Mb Ram, Western Digital Hard Disk
> (40 Gb, Master), Western Digital Hard Disk (6 Gb, Slave),
> floppy disk (1.44 Mb), IOMega ZIP-Drive (100Mb, IDE), Hitachi
> CD/DVD-ROM, Memorex CD-RW, Diamond Multimedia Viper v550
> video card, and a few other ancient goodies). I am having
> great difficulty mounting and unmounting floppies, zips, and
> CDs from my system.
Have a look at my FreeBSD page. There might be some helpfull hints
there: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/freebsd/
Some highlights:
- to mount filesystems as a normal user, the sysctl variable
vfs.usermount must be set to 1. (you are logged in as a normal user, right?)
- when mounting filesystems, you must be the owner of the mountpoint.
- you need read and write persmissions on the devices where the
filesystems reside. (see devfs.conf and devfs.rules)
Hope this helps,
R.F. Smith /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign
r s m i t h @ x s 4 a l l . n l \ / No HTML/RTF in e-mail
http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/ X No Word docs in e-mail
public key: http://www.keyserver.net / \ Respect for open standards
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