wlan conig tool
Herbert Feutl
herbert.feutl at gmx.at
Tue Jan 25 01:41:58 PST 2005
the problem about root rights is a problem i also thought about.
i am not so good in using freebsd but i will get better.
the problem of die ifconfig and the long syntac can be handled by aliases.
but as example in our school there ar more then 5 APs and at home I also have 2.
but i dont noch in school which of the APs is reachable.
so i had to start first a tool which shows me the reachable APs.
then i had to call the alias.
alos iam not able to see without adding new commands which wlan aps i have also addes and configured.
i had to look for my aliases.
so i have now 3 xterm windows opened (1: typing alias 2: looking for aps 3: looking in my alias list)
then what i dont want is, wenn a friend of mine starting my libretto, or using it, that he/she is able to see the wepkeys in "cleartext" as easy as it is in my alias file.
and the problem about the rights to configere:
is it possible to finde a way by adding sudo rights oder starting a daemon of your programm which have the rights to use ifconfig an the GUI only gifs instructions to this daemon?
this are only some stupid ideas.
i would be happy if there is a programm or will be written.
also if it will find its way into the port tree.
and i can help with the german translation if it is necassary.
herbert (from austria)
Walker, Michael wrote:
>>i am using a hacked orinoco silver in my libretto 100CT
>>the pcmcia card will detected without problems.
>>i want to take my little friend with me at school and at home.
>>also other users want to use this subnotebook.
>>so is it possible to conigure wlan connections via a graphicle user
>>interface? also new wlan AP should be able to add via this software.
>>it should be easier to use then ifconfig.
>>windows users should also be able to handle this tool.
> I don't know of any graphical interfaces to ifconfig off the top of my head.
> But writing one would be a simple task using C, GTK and a few system()
> calls. The problem lies in that users whom don't necessarily know what they
> are doing (or I am assuming they don't as they can't use ifconfig) would
> need root access to use the program. I wouldn't recommend this, or even
> having the program run with the suid bit set.
> If you don't care about this, I would be happy to write the program for you,
> I'm looking for a project at the moment, and this could fit the bill of what
> I need.
> Mick Walker
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