How to edit Boot loader

Robert Marella hoe-waa at
Mon Jan 24 11:17:35 PST 2005

On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 01:18 -0800, Jose Antonio wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> can anyone please give me some advice on how to edit
> the boot message I see when I boot my PC. I've both XP
> and FreeBSD latest release, and I see "F1: DOS CR F2:
> FreeBSD CR Default: F1". I've gone to /boot directory
> and searched with "strings" command in all files, and
> I've seen these strings in binary files. Does anyone
> know how could I edit it in order to modify these
> entries?. Many thanks
> Jose


This has come up many times on the mail lists. The short answer is "you

The best answer is install GAG

It is easy to use and you can run it from a floppy or load it into the

Best of luck


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