keeping 5.1 install up to date?

aklist_061666 aklist_061666 at
Mon Jan 24 05:21:11 PST 2005

> Assuming you have an internet connection, the simplest way to install
> CVSUp is (line 2 may wrap):
> 1. su
> 2. pkg_add 

OK, great...that's what I wanted to know...I was just starting from the 
cvsup page and the original method (compiling it from source) was all they 

> I know you say you're running 5.1.  The 5.1 packages are no longer
> maintained, at least on the master site.  The above works for me,
> though I'm using 5.2.1-RELEASE on this machine, and I think it will
> work for you, too.  You don't need to install Modula-3 to install or
> run CVSUp, only to build it.

Does it make more sense, then, to upgrade to 5.2.1 first? All this machine 
is doing is running BIND 9.2.3.

> If you want to build from source but don't want to use the ports tree,
> you are not a newbie :)

yeah, right! Not this week!

Thanks Danny 

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