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Tom Huppi thuppi at
Sun Jan 23 18:23:32 PST 2005

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Herbert Feutl wrote:

> what do you say to this filemanager

Hmmm...another 'fox' project.  On an aside, I recently became
familiar with this project because a certain GUI for my Ten-Tec
shortwave radio was written under it.  It seems to use the
'xclass' toolkit which was removed from the ports tree for lack of
love I guess.  I had to build it from scratch.  Maybe this is a
different 'fox' project, or maybe they switched toolkits because I
didn't see any reference to 'xclass' on their site.  I thought the
Fox project was dead becaue the link on the xclass site seemed

I've always used 'filerunner'.  Again, it's one of those things
that I started out with and had no reason to change.  I choose it
initially because of it's FTP ability which is no longer very
important to me.  It's not at all a Windows Explorer
look/work-alike, and after a short time I found it quite a lot
more usable and powerful than Explorer.

It's a tcl/tk thingy.  Is it 'lightweight'?  I dunno.  Here's
from 'top':

70161 thuppi    96    0  5268K  4080K select   0:01  0.05%  0.05%

> thanks for the links - i will test it
> sylpheed is installed anyway :-D

I use 'sylpheed-claws' for usenet.  (Always go back to 'pine' for
mail, and do it remotely anyway.)  I never could get happy with a
terminal-mode newsreader for some reason.  Nothing threaded to my
satisfaction.  Sylpheed was the only graphical client I found
which I could make allow me to use an external editor (vim.)
Pretty good software also, but the older version I was using was a
wee bit unstable.



 - Tom

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