Upgrading Automake

Tom Huppi thuppi at huppi.com
Sun Jan 23 02:33:04 PST 2005

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Cody Holland wrote:

> This may sound kinda dumb, but I'm pretty new to the FreeBSD
> environment.  I'm trying to add an new package and am getting:
> This port is deprecated; you may wish to reconsider installing it:
> Please use devel/automake19 instead.
> Stop in /usr/ports/devel/automake15.
> *** Error code 1
> So I went and installed the port for automake19....but when i go to
> add the package it still tries to use automake15.  Can anyone tell me
> what i'm doing wrong?

Probably not anything.  I was going to add some thoughts until
Greg stepped in.  He's probably right.  If and when you post to
freebsd-questions, useful information would include, _in this

 - Reiteration that it is a 'package' that you are trying to
install, and not a 'port'.  I suspect it's the latter since I can
see little reason why almost any of the package would need any of
the auto-tools as dependancies.  I've been wrong before, however,
and I do very little with packages.

 - The port/package you are having trouble with.

 - The version of the OS, and maybe other info if it wasn't a
fresh install.

 - Whether your ports tree has ever been updated via 'cvsup' or
some other mechanism, and if so, when.

This strikes me as a bit of an unusual problem, frankly, for
reasons I won't go into here.  Knowing the above info may be of
use to others who might be aware of such an issue at a certain
point in the history of the ports tree.


 - Tom

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