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Tom Huppi thuppi at
Sat Jan 22 11:56:37 PST 2005

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, W. D. wrote:

> At 04:15 1/22/2005, Tom Huppi wrote:

> >It's only been recently that I've taken an interest in seeking out
> >lightweight software.
> Any other tips?  Which window manager/GUI do you recommend?

Unfortunately, no.  I've only recently taken to researching this
problem and have no first-hand experience with any of the tools
I've run across.  I've always used 'fvwm2' since that's what I set
up on my first FreeBSD box circa '98 and it's served my needs in
this area fine.  My needs are, however, limited.  I'm more
comfortable starting the applications I need from an xterm, and
indeed, I spend quite a lot of time in an xterm doing one thing or
another.  I suspect that 'fvwm2' fits into the 'lightweight'
category, but it's by happenstance.  It seems that many of the
Linux distributions which aim to conquer the problem of running
well on dated hardware choose IceWM (iirc.)

Anyone else have any tips or thoughts?  I notice 'firefox' is
happy to gobble down 50M and often significantly more with Xorg
similar on my 5.3 system.  It is very fortunate that FreeBSD's VM
subsystem is intelligent enough to adapt else I am certain I would
be having a lot more swapping on the box I'm currently using.
I'm wondering if either of these applications themselves are
'smart' enough to adapt a bit to limited resources, or if there
are any ways to build them specially to be a bit lighter.


 - Tom

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