How to setup fstab for DVD, floppy and CD drives?

Darren Pilgrim dmp at
Fri Jan 21 16:20:12 PST 2005

> From: Carleton Vaughn
> Brian John wrote:
> > /dev/acd0               /cdrom          auto    rw,noauto      0       0
> > "mount: exec mount_auto not found in /sbin:/usr/sbin: No such file or
> > directory.  Please check that the disk is entered correctly."
> > 
> > How can I get this to work?
> "auto" is in the FStype field, and your mounter is trying to find the 
> mount program for a file system of type "auto".  There's no such thing.
> Someone else probably better understands what "auto" in fstab is 
> supposed to do.

The "auto/noauto" option is used to tell `mount -a` if the filesystem should
be mounted automatically.  The typical line for a CD/DVD device that isn't
needed at boot is something like:

/dev/device			/mountpoint		cd9660	ro,noauto

> P.S. Can someone comment on why the "rw" option is better 
> here than "ro"?

It's not, you should use "ro" for CD/DVD drives.  The mounted filesystems on
these drives can't be written to even if the media itself is writeable.  In
FreeBSD, CD/DVD writing is done by writing directly to the device.

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