HELP: how to enable telnet?

Joaquin Menchaca linuxuser at
Tue Jan 18 22:03:00 PST 2005

Kevin Kinsey wrote:
> Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
>> Oh, lastly, Cygwin is cool.  I'm interested in both cygwin and 
>> non-cygwin (mingw)
>> solutions for both client/server.  I tried all the client tools, both 
>> putty and ssh, both
>> work well.  Never knew that sshd was working so well. :->
>> Wish there was a way though to redirect the Windows desktop as a X 
>> client ;->
>>   -- joaquin
> Hmm, you've reminded me I have one more toy I need to learn to play with:
> [kadmin at archangel][/home/kadmin]
> # whereis rdesktop
> rdesktop: /usr/local/bin/rdesktop /usr/ports/net/rdesktop

I heard of this on Linux.  Really good stuff.

Now it would be cool to RDC into a Linux box and Mac box. :-)
I'm trying Timbuktu with Mac OS X, but it is sloooow. :'(
RDP is really slick.

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