HELP: how to enable telnet?

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Tue Jan 18 04:09:10 PST 2005

Joaquin Menchaca wrote:

> Joshua Tinnin wrote:
>> On Monday 17 January 2005 02:39 pm, Joshua Tinnin 
>> <krinklyfig at> wrote:
>> ...
>>>> However, later I want to use Windows XP/2K3.  They have decent ssh
>>>> client support through tools like putty, but I don't know any good
>>>> sshd solution on Windows.
>>> I don't know if installing a new OS is an option, but any home
>>> Windows OS pre-2000 is not secure in the first place (i.e., ME, 98,
>>> 95). I would not use any of them if security is a consideration.
>>> BTW, PuTTY works very well, as does installing Cygwin so you can use
>>> its tools (though that is a bit overkill, maybe).
>> Wait, I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood you. If you want to run a 
>> secure daemon on Windows instead of on *nix, I'm not sure, actually. 
>> You might be able to do this with Cygwin, but I've only used it to 
>> login to sshd on a *nix machine.
>> - jt
> Oh.  At home I have 11 computers: 2 sparcs, 2 macs, 8 pcs (mix of 
> PIVs, AMDs, and C3s).  They run *nix OSes (SuSE, Fedora, FreeBSD, 
> Solaris, Mac OS X, Tenon) and of course Winows XP/2K3.  I don't bother 
> with older OSes, except for experimentation, e.g. learning how older 
> OSes are better supported by UNIX than Windows for both performance 
> and security.
> Between computers, I want to have interoperability between them 
> (print, file share, X, remoting, rtools/telnet/ftp).  For insecure 
> solutions, I was interesting in playing with SSL, SSH, Kerberos, and 
> IPSec.  Also, looking into secure single sign-on facility.
> However, I am far from getting the experiments off the ground.  I am 
> just barely above getting the darn things to work, with drivers, 
> wi-fi, bluetooth, etc.  Many companies still uncooperative with open 
> source communities, a matter I hope to help proactively.
> In the mean time, I'll get a handle on SSH facilities (as well as 
> getting hardware to work).
> Oh, lastly, Cygwin is cool.  I'm interested in both cygwin and 
> non-cygwin (mingw) solutions for both client/server.  I tried all the 
> client tools, both putty and ssh, both work well.  Never knew that 
> sshd was working so well. :->
> Wish there was a way though to redirect the Windows desktop as a X 
> client ;->

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