HELP: how to enable telnet?

Joaquin Menchaca linuxuser at
Tue Jan 18 01:10:56 PST 2005

Tyler Gee wrote:
> I run sshd through cygwin on my winxp box with no problems and as far
> as I could tell it is the only (or maybe just the best) way to do it.
> I used these directions:
> -wtgee

Sweet.  Everyone's familar with win ssh clients, but not so much on 
sshd.  I didn't know it was out.  This is great!  As I can have better 
interoperability between systems.

I'm hoping to do rsync, ssh, sftp, and X through ssh for both home/work. 
       For work, there'll be win to win file sync and also Solaris to 
Solaris.  For home, I'll sync web pages between Mac/Win/FreeBSD.

   -- joaquin

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