HELP: how to enable telnet?

Glenn Sieb ges at
Mon Jan 17 13:05:23 PST 2005

Joaquin Menchaca said the following on 1/17/2005 4:01 PM:

> Just some questions about telnet.  I just installed FreeBSD.  I want 
> to setup so that I can telnet into it and do some work on it (as it'll 
> be the server for the house)

Telnet is a highly insecure solution. It has generally been replaced 
with ssh (Secure SHell).

> How about IPSec? Is IPSec supported in FreeBSD?  Could I put a IPSec 
> for telnet port for a range of addresses?  Docs on it?

Instead of pulling your hair out securing a program that's considered 
outdated, I'd suggest you look into ssh instead...


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
          ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

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