Compile options

David Adam zanchey at
Mon Jan 17 02:14:59 PST 2005

i am looking for something like USE flags in gentoo GNU/Linux
distribution. in the USE variable are defined keywords which are mapped
onto compile-options."

I don't think he means that he's looking for USE flags in Gentoo. I read
the paragraph as "I would like Gentoo-style USE flags or their

Having said that, I'm not familiar enough with the ports collection to
really know of anything like this.

One thing you might like to look at is /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf which
can be copied and edited from /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf.sample (from
memory). As documented in you can set
various make options for ports every time you compile them.

I guess you *could* add
    '*' => 'WITH_QT=1 WITH_GTK=0 etc etc',
to /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf, but that's almost guaranteed not to work
in all cases. You're better off examining each port individually, setting
the make options in pkgtools.conf, and then installing with portinstall/
upgrading using portupgrade.

No worries, then,

David Adam
zanchey at

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