HELP: video for VIA/S3G CLE266

Tom Huppi thuppi at
Fri Jan 14 01:07:55 PST 2005

On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Joaquin Menchaca wrote:

> Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for the great instructions for furnning xorgconfig and the
> > handbook.  I was wondering what to pick for the video driver in
> > xorgconfig.  There's no option for VIA/S3G CLE266.  VIA ships with a
> > Linux driver (DRI.TGZ and CLEXF400030). :-\  The chipset comes on the
> > VIA PD10000 mobo
> > (
> Hi,
> I found these links.  It looks like I might have to build something.
> Would I have to rebuild Xorg? :'(
> Would I have to get the latest xorg + these drivers with some sort of
> package manager?  How can I tell the current version of Xorg that I am
> running?  Could I just compile these drivers?  If so, how do I get them
> to work, and how do I get it into the system so that I can select them?

I doubt that you can just compile a newer chipset specific server
and have it work, but even if you can, it would probably be more
technically challenging than using the ports collection to update
the whole thing (or the packages which I know little about.)

To get the version,

  thuppi at agama ~> X -version

  X Window System Version 6.8.1
  Release Date: 17 September 2004
  X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.8.1

I just built and installed xorg from the ports collection to try
to get rid of all references to 'libc_r' which was crashing
certain applications on my 5.3 system (upgraded from 5.1 via
buildworld.)  It was not too bad...just took a long time on my old
machine.  I suggest (if using 'ports' rather than 'packages') that
one maybe does a 'cd ...x11/xorg make', then after it builds
sucessfully pkg_delete the XFree86 stuff, then go back and 'make
install'.  This will allow normal use of the machine for the day
or so it takes to build xorg.  Since this wasn't the route I took
I can't say conclusivly that it would work, but I think it should
be fine.  Maybe you should also review some of the other
discusions of such an upgrade via google.

Also, on one of my machines, 'startx' didn't work after the
upgrade.  I had to run /usr/X11R6/bin/xorgconfig.  Might want to
make sure you know your you monitor specs, but looking at the old
/etc/XF86Config will tell you what you had been using.  On my
other (also ancient) machine with a similar history, xorg worked
fine using the old XF86Config file.

Keep us posted about progress if you could.  I wish to get one of
these VIA machines, but I'm holding out for better availability of
boards with the newer CM400 chipset.


 - Tom

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