Need to monitor when IP Address changes

Carleton Vaughn keebler at
Thu Jan 13 03:22:56 PST 2005

Nicolas wrote:
> Carleton Vaughn wrote:
>> Dynamic DNS is often free for personal use.  I use and a 
>> Netgear firewall/router.  Works dandy and saves me from having to 
>> research my IP every time Earthlink resets my connection.
> Are you really sure that they provide a Dynamic DNS for free ? Their
> free service just maps a free url (like "") to your IP.

I'm not sure what you mean by "URL" as all traffic to 
gets routed to your IP.  I have a subdomain under their * 
domain and use it to SSH home from school.  I view this free and 
convenient service more than satisfactory for personal use.  The thread 
originator said he was willing to locate his machine by IP only; it 
follows that if he uses a naming service, he may not be particular about 
*what* name he uses, provided there exists *a* name.

> If you want to update real DNS entries on your own domain (like
> ""), you have to pay for the extra "Custom DNS" service. $30 a
> year or something.

This should come as no surprise and I am grateful to anyone who uses 
Custom DNS as it subsidizes the free service I take advantage of.

> Do someone know of a good real dynamic DNS update service (with your own
> domain) ?

By good you mean free? may provide some 

Carleton Vaughn
College Park, Georgia, USA

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