Need to monitor when IP Address changes
Walker, Michael
Michael.Walker2 at
Thu Jan 13 01:50:25 PST 2005
owner-freebsd-newbies at wrote:
> Carleton Vaughn wrote:
>> Brian John wrote:
>>> Thanks, but I don't really need Dynamic DNS. I just want to be able
>>> to find out what my home computer's ip address is at any given time.
>>> I'd rather not pay anything because I know that this is something
>>> that I could probably do myself with a script. I would really like
>>> to learn how to do this myself.
>> Dynamic DNS is often free for personal use. I use and a
>> Netgear firewall/router. Works dandy and saves me from having to
>> research my IP every time Earthlink resets my connection.
> Are you really sure that they provide a Dynamic DNS for free ? Their
> free service just maps a free url (like "") to your IP.
> If you want to update real DNS entries on your own domain (like
> ""), you have to pay for the extra "Custom DNS" service. $30 a
> year or something.
Actually, most dyndns providers do provider a real dynamic dns system. I
have personally only used, but when you resolve the hostname, it
will actually resolve to your ip address. Thus you can ftp, ssh, etc etc to
your dynamic hostname.
To the original poster: Have you tried some of the dyndns clients in the
ports tree?
Mick Walker
NAAFI Finance International
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