Need to monitor when IP Address changes

Mariano Guadagnini mguadagnini at
Wed Jan 12 21:36:17 PST 2005

Carleton Vaughn wrote:

> Brian John wrote:
>> Thanks, but I don't really need Dynamic DNS.  I just want to be able 
>> to find out what my home computer's ip address is at any given time.  
>> I'd rather not pay anything because I know that this is something 
>> that I could probably do myself with a script.  I would really like 
>> to learn how to do this myself.
> Dynamic DNS is often free for personal use.  I use and a 
> Netgear firewall/router.  Works dandy and saves me from having to 
> research my IP every time Earthlink resets my connection. 

Personally I use the free service provided by no-ip, and they have a 
free application (for linux) that runs as a daemon and checks wether the 
ip had changed, updating automatically the dns, at desired intervals. 
Maybe you could try if it works in FreeBSD.

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