HELP: Not sure where to go after installation

Joaquin Menchaca linuxuser at
Tue Jan 11 23:13:46 PST 2005


I just went to through the installation of FreeBSD 5.3 (i386) on my VIA 
PD10000 system.  After going through the installation, applicaitions 
selections and extra packages, and configuration, I am brought back to 
the initial installation screen.

What do I do at this point?  Do I just reboot.  This seems awkward.

Also, is X-Windows working.  I went through a mouse configuration part, 
but never went into any type of X-Windows configuration part.  Do I have 

I know that this is pretty basic, but being new and all, it's all a 
little bit awkward and I am not sure exactly what to do...

  -- joaquin

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