(no subject)

Adam Fabian afabian at austin.rr.com
Mon Jan 3 01:08:10 GMT 2005

On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 06:05:42PM -0500, PeruvianFinest03 at aol.com wrote:
> in my area I want to learn it. I was never taught about "Linux, Unix" 
> and a lot of stuff I really don't know. My point is I know there is   
> got to be a good site where I can post my questions and get some good 
> answers . I am currently 16 and don't know much about FreeBSD but I   

The primary means of support for FreeBSD is the freebsd-questions
mailing list, accessed in a similar manner to however you accessed
this list.  You will also find a great deal of Linux/UNIX information
directly applicable to FreeBSD, and more applicable with
little translations for platform differences, etc.  There is a lot of
consistency between UNIX variants; shell scripting questions would
probably be on topic on most generic UNIX forums, and questions about
rc.conf (FreeBSD's "main" configuration file in the /etc directory)
might be mildly off-topic or better addressed to a more specifically
FreeBSD-oriented forum.

http://www.google.com/bsd has a lot of answers.

If you're new, it'd be helpful to read the FreeBSD handbook.  It'll
answer questions you didn't even realize you had yet.  It's linked off
of http://www.freebsd.org.  FreeBSD is one of the better-documented
open-source operating systems around.
Adam Fabian (afabian at austin.rr.com)

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