Question about FTP

Shawn B shawnblan at
Thu Feb 24 06:02:22 GMT 2005

I am new to FreeBSD, and I am wondering what good,
easy-to-use and reliable FTP server FreeBSD can use. I
tried ProFTP, and had problem after problem. When I
figured out how to fix one error, I had another, after
another, after another. Are there any good
alternatives? I am using FreeBSD-4.8.

Also, how do you get Apache to point to a specific
directory? And, how would I use multipule domains on
the single machine, pointing them to a separate
directory? Would I need multipule domains? 

I am attempting to use FreeBSD as a http server, ftp
server, PHPbb server, and possibly an IRC server. I
would be using at least two domains to start, and
possibly another two within a couple of months.

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