ASP alternatives?

SigmaX scottclansman at
Sat Feb 19 23:29:40 PST 2005

Joaquin Menchaca wrote:

> Tyler Gee wrote:
>> I believe there is an asp module for Apache (mod_asp).
>> I have never used it and don't really know if it exists but it gives
>> you somewhere to start searching.
>> -wtgee
> Yes.  That is the target open source project your looking for.  The 
> starting point is  If they Mac OS X implementation is 
> native, I would imagine this would compile easier, given that Darwin 
> borrows heavily from FreeBSD.  Otherwise, the Linux emulation might 
> work as well.
> For ASP.NET related material chech out the following URL:
> The mod_mono module can be downloaded in source form at:
> Note that mod_mono works with both Apache 1.3 and 2.0.  The XSP is a 
> lightweight web server written in C#.
> Best of Luck.
>  - joaquin

But, uh, last I knew nobody (That I've found) has gotten mod_mono 
working on FreeBSD.  I don't know, maybe the new release works or 
something.  I'm not really a developer, and compiling from source is 
enough to scare me away if there's so much as a single hickup.  I'm 
holding out for a successful mod_mono/XSP binary for FreeBSD... (with or 
without Linux emulation) if one doesn't appear soon I fear I'll need to 
switch my server back to Linux within a couple of months, when I'll need 
to start implementing ASP .NET pages.

Registered Linux Freak #: 366,862

"If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo, then Linux is Dolby Pro-Logic Surround Sound with Bass Boost and all the music is free."

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