Which type of FTP do I have

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Thu Feb 17 12:19:30 PST 2005

crzdgns1 at starpower.net wrote:

>I am a new user of FreeBSD/UNIX and have recently installed 
>FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE on my home computer.  I am running IPFilter 
>as my firewall using the ruleset found in the Handbook.  I have found 
>that FTP no longer functions since I began the filter.  I have done lots 
>of searching on the web and I think this is a common problem and I 
>will be able to find a solution on my own.  But here is my question.  
>The solutions to this problem variously refer to ftp clients or ftp 
>servers.  I know that a client and a server aren't necessarily the 
>same.  If I look in my bin files, I find something named ftpd, which I 
>assume is the ftp daemon.  I know that I didn't specifically download 
>or install any ftp software.  Whatever I have came with the base 
>installation.  So here is my question, how do I know, or how do I 
>determine, if what I have is an ftp server or an ftp client?

You have both, unless somehow you built the system without
the "contrib" software, and I don't know if that's possible 'cause
I've never tried it that way.  "ftpd" is the server, maintained by
FreeBSD, and the ftp client is "ftp", which is actually "lukemftp",
written by Luke Mewburn of the NetBSD project.

Some information from the system itself:

[kadmin at archangel][~]
whereis ftpd
ftpd: /usr/libexec/ftpd /usr/share/man/man8/ftpd.8.gz /usr/src/libexec/ftpd

[kadmin at archangel][~]
grep -i -A 2 rcsid /usr/src/libexec/ftpd/ftpd.c
static const char rcsid[] =
  "$FreeBSD: src/libexec/ftpd/ftpd.c,v 2005/01/22 16:40:11 
yar Exp $";
#endif /* not lint */

[kadmin at archangel][~]
whereis ftp
ftp: /usr/bin/ftp /usr/share/man/man1/ftp.1.gz /usr/src/usr.bin/ftp

[kadmin at archangel][~]
grep -i -A 2 rcsid /usr/src/contrib/lukemftp/src/main.c
__RCSID("$NetBSD: main.c,v 1.86 2003/08/07 11:13:56 agc Exp $");
#endif /* not lint */

It seems interesting that neither of them seem to have a "--version"
switch.  It looks as though some work has been done, maybe<!> on
the ftpd server lately.

Note that "Trivial ftpd" is also in the base system.  Both of these
may be enabled in /etc/inetd.conf (and, in turn, inetd is enabled
in /etc/rc.conf.)

To use the ftp client, simply type "ftp" at the command prompt
(assuming your $PATH is correctly set). See the man page
for ftp(1) for more details.


Kevin Kinsey

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