ASP alternatives?

SigmaX scottclansman at
Wed Feb 16 21:10:18 PST 2005

I've been using FreeBSD on a server for several weeks now; this is my 
first time using FreeBSD after using Linux for some time.  Pretty soon 
I'll have an ASP .NET web application completed and ready for hosting on 
said server.  I'd prefer to continue using FreeBSD, and at least get the 
hang of it, as from what I've looked up it seems to be among the best of 
the best operating systems.  The *NIX ASP .NET server I was using was 
XSP, from the Mono project, but the only FreeBSD port I could find of it 
has some fatal errors that need to be worked out before it works at all 
(In the BSD# project).

Are there any other ASP .NET servers out there for FreeBSD?  I tryed to 
google it, but all I could find was XSP and Microsoft sites.

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