Leaving FreeBSD for Linux - Please Don't Hurt Me

Graham Bentley gbentley at uk2.net
Sun Feb 6 08:11:59 PST 2005

>>On the negative side of things for Linux, some
>>distros (not all of them) 
>>are very insecure.  I noticed insecure older
>>versions of tools like 
>>OpenSSL, ISCA DHCP, SAMBA, etc. included with the
>>distros like RedHat. 
>>These should be updated ASAP, either through the pay
>>facility or 
>>do-it-yourself.  It's hard to keep track of what
>>stuff they added, and 
>>what is broken/insecure.  I think that with Linux,
>>you have to become 
>>knowledgeable on how to harden and secure the
>>system.  I feel that 
>>FreeBSD seems a bit more secure out of the getgo.

If you havent tried it yet www.trustix.org is an
excellent Linux server distro with frequent updating
...and out of the box there are no services running
at all. There are updated rpms and the guys runnning
the development / maintainence are extremely knwoledgable.
It is sponsored commercially but currently the iso is
still freely downloadable and is GPL.

The only drawback (if this is one) is that you had better
know what you are doing or be prepared to read read and
read and only then post to the mailing list as people
expect you to have done your homework.

Having said all that its one of the best Linux server
distros thats still free (IMHO) and if you like FreeBSD
then you will probably like it.

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