Recommendations for partitioning tool

David Baird dave at
Sat Feb 5 06:02:49 PST 2005

Check out System Rescue CD ( It's Linux on a 
bootable CD image, with various tools including a graphical partitioning 
tool that can handle NTFS (I used it on Win XP).


Joaquin Menchaca wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a tool like Partition Magic, so that I can shrink 
> partitions, create new ones, and make my laptop available for installing 
> FreeBSD.
> I have Partition Magic, but unfortunately, I have Win2K3 on one 
> partition, and PM detects it and refuses to run.  Aarrgh.
> Is there any easy to use tool to shrink down my NTFS partition, delete 
> and create other partitions out there?
>  -- Joaquin Menchaca
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