no /usr/ports directory

ImobachGonzález Sosa imobachgs at
Sat Feb 5 02:50:45 PST 2005

On Saturday 05 February 2005 10:38, Aryan Ameri wrote:
> Hi there,
> New to FreeBSD and this is my first message to a BSD mailing list. Hope
> to learn a lot from you guys.
> I am reading the Handbook and chapter 4 which deals with packages and
> ports repeatedly refers to the /usr/ports directory. The problem is
> that I don't have this directory on my system. I am using FreeBSD 5.3
> on a x86 machine. A simple google and browing the archives of this list
> didn't bear much fruit. Have I missed something during the
> installation?

Ok, it happens because you didn't tell sysinstall to install the ports 
collection. You could:

1) go into sysinstall and choose "ports" from Configure->Distributions. If you 
got a FreeBSD CD, it install the ports from it. This step is optional, but 
could save you some time.

2) cvsup -L2 -g -h A-MIRROR-NEAR-YOU /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
This second step will upgraded your ports collection (or will create it if you 
didn't follow the step 1).

Change A-MIRROR-NEAR-YOU for just a mirror.

Good luck!

Imobach González Sosa
imobachgs en banot punto net
osoh en

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