MySQL max_connections

smichae at smichae at
Tue May 25 12:41:04 PDT 2004

Hi, I am running FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE with Plesk control panel and mysql 
3.23.58  and apache 1.3.29.  I am VERY new to the operating system and am 
currently getting a lot of max_connections errors for all MySQL driven 
scripts.  I can't figure out how to change this.  I've tried looking for the 
my.conf file to no avail.  Is there something I'm missing here, because I 
would think this would be something easy to fix.  Once again, very very new to 
the OS, don't even know if there's a find command anywhere.  Thanks in advance 
for any help.
Steven Michaels
smichae at

Illinois State University Webmail

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