Tastes Like Chicken

Jason Dusek jdusek at cs.uiowa.edu
Tue Mar 23 18:52:34 PST 2004

I'll guess I'll add to the Hoopla.  I'm a former Mac user, who was 
always deeply curious about the workings of his machine.  I have to say 
that I have yet to find in any other operating system the unique 
combination of instructional challenges and raw functionality that is 
offered by FreeBSD!  I am now evangelizing FreeBSD to all my friends - 
and I'm pushing it for a local non-profit organization as the solution 
to their new found need for business work stations.  I really look 
forward to the day when FreeBSD with GNOME or KDE (or perhaps some weird 
interhack of the two of them) is a common desktop environment.

~*~* Jason

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