Amazin' Amavis!

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Tue Mar 23 16:22:22 PST 2004

Hey all...

No questions here.  So don't answer 'em! :-)
(j/k, we luvs the FBSD community!)

I set up Amavis (-new) (with its automagic
dependencies on Razor and SpamAssassin)
in a "dual Sendmail" setup, plusClamAV
from ports on a test box yesterday, ('cause
 the last time I played around with my #1
mail server I broke something about Sendmail
and had to run two shops off the backup MX
for about a month)....

It worked beautifully in a test environment,
so today I moved it to production box #1 and
a few moments ago I got my first notifications
on *both* spam and the Gibe.F virii...

/me smiles!

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

PS> build from ports, and read up in:


pay special attention to file perms .... ;-)

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