FreeBSD-newbies group is a compromise community.

Jason Taylor jason at
Sun Mar 21 13:01:50 PST 2004

Dan Rue wrote:

>On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 10:16:30AM -0800, Sally Hines wrote:
>>How can I ask a question on the -questions list and get the response? I
>>cannot read them all, they are too many for me. 
>Get a mail reader that can sort by threads :)  I see that you're using
>outlook - It may or may not.  Any MUA worth it's salt will sort by
>thread, and that is the _only_ way to manage freebsd-questions..
>freebsd-newbies at mailing list
>To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-newbies-unsubscribe at"
FWIW, Outlook can sort by thread.

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